Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why YOU should come to Sky Ranch!

Since Sky Ranch is pretty much my favorite place in the whole entire world, I want everyone to take a chance and just experience camp there! Sky Ranch is a Christian camp, and it's non-denonamational. At camp they help you through your through Christ. Even if you have never taken the chance to get to know the Lord, you are so welcomed. You might even accept Christ in your life there.
You create so many new relationships at Sky Ranch! Friendships with the counselors and all the new boys or girls you meet. And your love story with God! At Sky Ranch they try to teach you to not let the week your there be only a "Sky High" sort of thing. A "Sky High" is basically the feeling that your relationship is so strong with the Lord at camp, but then once you go home you loose everything that you had gained. They want you to carry everything you learned there and use it in your every day life!
Like I said before, Sky Ranch is a place where you can escape the real world. Obviously, you can't stay at Sky Ranch your whole life, but they teach you things that can make your real world so much better!
Even if you're not too sure about going during the summer, many churches go to Sky Ranch for retreats for a weekend. All I'm saying is that if you ever have to chance to go to Sky Ranch, TAKE IT! You won't regret it.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Working for Sky Ranch

One thing that I definitely want to do when I get older is be a counselor at Sky Ranch. To be a counselor there you have to at least be going into your sophmore year of college. But, Sky Ranch also provides another awesome opportunity. At the Sky Ranch camp in East Texas, they offer day camp! These kids come during the day and experience most of the same things other kids who actually stay over night experience. To be a day camp counselor you only need to be 16 years old. When you get an opportunity like that, I would definitely go for it.  It looks GREAT on college applications and it's such an amazing experience. You, as a counselor would learn A LOT.
Right now, I'm only a freshman in high school, but when I turn 16, I'm definitely going to send in an application for being a day camp counselor. Then I college I hope to be a counselor for the campers who stay a week.
If you don't feel like being a counselor is right for you, Sky Ranch also offers other positions. You could be a lifeguard, help with maintenance, help with the kitchen staff, and work in retail. Now some positions you have to be a certain age, but all are so important. In all positions you are definitely serving Christ. And that's what it's all about!
Another awesome thing about working for Sky Ranch is that you would work with AMAZING people. Everyone loves each other and cares about one another. Working at Sky Ranch would be hard work, but it all pays off. To think that you are sharing the love of the Lord, is such an amazing thing to get to do!applyatsky.com

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Sky Ranch Story

So now that I've told you what Sky Ranch is, I'll tell you about my Sky Ranch experiences.
I went to Sky Ranch in 5th grade for a field trip and fell in love with the camp! That summer (the summer going into 6th grade) my friend, Logan, and I went for a week to experience our first ever Christian camp. Logan and I loved it there, and had a great time. The next summer (the summer going into 7th grade) a friend of our's, Elizabeth decided to join our group for another fantastic week at Sky Ranch. Once again, we had an amazing time! We all loved being able to meet new friends and meet the awesome counselors.
The next year (the summer going into 8th grade) was the best year by far. Logan, Elizabeth, and I were in a  cabin with a total of 12 girls and 4 counselors. Now, 12 girls in a cabin is quite a small number for a Sky Ranch cabin, so we all felt very special. We all became really, really great friends. Also, that year I became really close with one of my counselors, Corbin. She was definitely one of my favorite counselors. Corbin had became my mentor that year and I had became her Timothy. A Timothy is someone who you want to pour out all your love and knowledge of the Lord on. That year was so special because I think I finally got the real reason why camp was so awesome. Camp is awesome because everyone there LOVES God, and wants to help you build your relationship with him! Yes, all the activities are SO MUCH FUN there, but the best part about camp is that you become so much closer with our Father.
Right now, I'm in the 9th grade, and this past summer was my 4th year at Sky Ranch with Elizabeth and Logan. This past year was definitely a lot of fun. We went with 6 other girls from the cabin the previous year, and had a blast. The only thing that kind of disappointed me was that Corbin was not one of my counselors, she was a counselor for another cabin in our age group. But, long-story-short, I came back for another week by myself and I was in Corbin's cabin! Basically Corbin told me she could pull a few strings and I'd be in her cabin. So after convincing my parents, I left camp on Saturday and came back for another week on Sunday! Most amazing experience in my life. That was also the year I had fully accepted Christ in my life.


Friday, September 17, 2010

What is Sky Ranch?

What is Sky Ranch? That's definitely a hard one to answer. Let's just state the basics, Sky Ranch is a Christian camp, and there is one in Texas, Colorado, and Oklahoma. Sky Ranch provides an opportunity for campers in the summer, to escape their everyday lives for a week to learn about the Lord. At Sky Ranch the days are PACKED with fun activities and AWESOME night events. You have so much fun, and at the same time you're learning about the Lord. 
Teenagers and kids may come to Sky Ranch because they want to gain more knowledge about our Father, or maybe they don't even know anything about Him. To teach campers about God, Sky Ranch has hired AMAZING college-aged counselors who love the Lord and who love to share His word! They also have AMAZING camp directors. I, personally, love the people at Sky Ranch because they are such role models. They show people like me that NO ONE is perfect, and even though we all make a lot of mistakes, God forgives us!! At Sky Ranch you gain SO MUCH! You build your relationship with Christ AND you meet so many new friends! You and all your cabin mates will become so close! And so will you and one of your counselors. Truth is, Sky Ranch is my favorite place in the world.